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Thursday, September 29, 2011

SF and Fantasy Flowchart of Best Reads

This needs very little explanation, just know it is awesome.

After NPR did their list of the 100 best SF and Fantasy reads this summer, SF Signal took the results and made this amazing flowchart of all 100 titles.  Navigate the chart by answering the questions and it will lead you to a reading suggestion.

From the RA standpoint, this is now an excellent resource to use with readers. From the SF and Fantasy newbie to the established fan who wants to try something new, all can benefit from using this chart.

I am going to see if we can hang this at the BPL somewhere.  I think I can print it on multiple sheets of paper and tape it together.  I just need to add some call numbers and properly site the folks at SF Signal, and it will be both eye-catching and extremely useful.

The fact that I am literally giddy over this chart must mean I am in the correct line of work. Right?  That or I am huge dork.  Probably both.

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