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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Banned Books Week Map

I know I mentioned Banned Books Week yesterday, but I wanted to spend a moment highlighting the importance of this annual commemroation of challenged materials.

Many people do not realized that there are still people, right here in America (land of the First Amendment), in the 21st Century who are still trying to stop you from choosing what book you should read.  Yes, it is true, hundreds of times a year all over this country people are asking libraries to remove a book from their shelves for the sole reason that they personally found it objectionable.

Thankfully, most libraries simply hear out these censoring fools and then decide to keep the book on the shelf. But the American Library Association keeps track of every challenge that a library receives so that the public can fully understand the continuing scope of this problem. Click here to access their lists and promotional materials.

Still don't believe the problem is that bad.  Thanks to Book Browse, I found this map of recently challenged books. Click on it and see for yourself.  Why not read a book that was challenged in your area?

You can also show your Banned Books Week style by clicking here.

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