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Tuesday, November 10, 2009

What NPR is Reading?

Readers of this blog know that I regularly post about what I'm reading.

Well, NPR just began their own weekly report on what their staff is reading. Use this link to see the first 2 weeks' reports.

Here it is in their own words:
At NPR, we cover a lot of books every week. Among those, there are always a handful of standouts — the shortlist, the books with buzz. "What We're Reading" brings you our book team's picks of the most interesting new fiction and nonfiction releases, along with candid comments from our reporters, hosts and staff.
I was already a big fan of NPR's book information and have posted about it many times, but I love this. NPR already has lots of author interviews, official book reviews, and essays about books by authors, but this is different. People already feel like they "know" the people they hear on the radio (trust me, I used to work in radio, I know about this first hand), and now, these "friends," can give readers books suggestions.

To get the list every week, sign up for their RSS feed.

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